garden series

garden series

I’m recreating and renewing this garden series, using gorgeous lucite flowers, leaves, crystals and gemstones. All new and fresh for spring/summer 2012. Here are some of the pieces that were in the previous collection, called Afternoon Garden …

starts and restarts

starts and restarts

I’ve always been one for starting new things and restarting old things. I’m a total INFP – love beginnings; endings … not so much. So. My work life. Rich, rewarding and extremely busy. I’ve loved the amazing design opportunities I’ve had over the last couple of years but, as these things go, it comes at a … Continue reading

Summer wallpaper

Summer wallpaper

Inconstant as the moon, yet here I am! Summer breezes, summer heat, summer thoughts. This year I find myself reaching for the cool hues of deep dusk, the whispering blues, velvet purples and edges of black peeking in over the walls of night. Here is the first of the summer wallpapers for 1280 x 960 … Continue reading



I’ve been thinking for some time about the nature of jewellery in our lives. While it is mostly for decoration, often stones and metal, and even simply colour, can help our energy centres. Whether consciously or unconsciously, a piece of jewellery can help to make you feel happier, more confident, calmer, more meditative, joyful, sleepy … Continue reading