Summer wallpaper

Inconstant as the moon, yet here I am! Summer breezes, summer heat, summer thoughts. This year I find myself reaching for the cool hues of deep dusk, the whispering blues, velvet purples and edges of black peeking in over the walls of night. Here is the first of the summer wallpapers for 1280 x 960 and 1920 x 1080. (Click the links and then right-click the image and save to your computer.)

The poem snip is from this one …


watching the drop of clear dew
turn to red flame with the
new born sun
brightest moment before death
it evaporates

hands touching in
the moment of forever
more fleeting than tears
essence of it
remains for lifetimes

how the lotus glows
among dark water plants
against the surface of
the pond
beauty aching for light
inspired by the mud
at its roots

watching the master
in meditation
immovable as the dark
fragile as a breeze
the peace of

writing a thousand
only to discover a word
that is less
than the mind
more than the universe


(June 3, 2004)

Remember, remember …

November is the month of remembering for many of us. With Remembrance Day (Canada) on the 11th, there are many opportunities to pay tribute to the men and women who have served and who have died in our wars. Who are still serving and dying in our (the human race’s) wars. It takes something very special to be in the service, it’s as special a calling as priesthood,  just the battle is of a different kind … most times. I will have some pieces to commemorate this time and here is a wallpaper for November, from me to you. xo

wallpaper for june

In honour of this month’s birthstone, the lovely pearl, wallpaper 1 features a wedding set called “white dakini.” I wasn’t exactly thinking of weddings when I named it. The finished product brought to mind a poem I’d written some time before entitled … what else, “White Dakini.” The set is perfect for weddings or any other ‘princess’ type of event like sweet 16, debuts, prom, going to see Sex in the City

The poem, as you will see, is an entity altogether different. It was started during the Kalachakra ceremony in Toronto in 2004, while in-between volunteer shifts. I absolutely loved sitting quietly next to one of the spectacular floor-to-ceiling panes of glass in the National Trade Centre while the intonations of monks just flowed through the entire space. I don’t know when I’ve ever been so at peace with myself, when I’ve ever felt so open – it was really marvelous. An absolute lifechanging experience for me. One morning, as I sat there, words just came whispering down through the universe and, of course, as all writers know, they can’t be kept in. As the pen scratched away, I wasn’t even conscious of the ideas – the chants were just running through my brain. Later that evening, at home, I looked at what I had and began the writer’s careful task of matching paltry word to radiant thought. Not sure I succeeded (do we ever?) but this is the result. And here is the link to the wallpaper. Enjoy.

White Dakini

calling to my soul
with voice of
crystal chimes
sounding out the pride
and iniquity of
my ego

I want to follow
in your cold footsteps
to the heart of
the mystery of my soul
Let me unravel the
cords of karma and
lay them softly
at your feet

Hold open my eyes
to the dance of death
that all feet pattern
on the green face
of the world
Cover me with your
cool snows that I
will not heed the
inferences of my
errant passions

Shine before me
like the stars of night
imprinting destiny
on to the stretched black
canvas of my
shrouded mortality

Allow me to follow
in your transparent footsteps
past bodies of
living death
Show me the spiral
of your icy grasp
that will fling me
into the nothingness
that is the truth
of all hearts

~lara sookoo

Wallpaper for a new decade

… well not the whole decade … 🙂 How about the first month? I’ve done 2 wallpapers based on a piece I did last year called “Quiet Ripples.” I just needed to do something that centred my focus and made me feel grounded. Nothing is better than wirewrapping for that! I love working with wire because it keeps my mind and my hands busy. Somehow this frees something within to soar to untold heights. It’s quite meditational, almost trance-like, for me to sit wrapping a piece. I have a couple new pieces that will up in the shop soon (once I break out the camera!) that are inspired by the same need and come from the same inspired place.

This piece and these pics have the right ‘feel’ for me in Jan of 2010. I needed to touch base with my real life and what true and important to me. Work played too large a role in my life in 2009 and that is something that needs changing. 2010 was ushered in with my family as usual, but I also made some time to go away by myself. I sat quietly as mantras gently burst with their wondrous bell tones in my mind.

Touching the earth.
The quiet centre within.

These are my new year’s resolutions. Please enjoy the wallpapers and thanks for stopping by. There will be a number of new pieces in the shop soon.  ((hugs))

October Wallpaper

2009-09-desktopbkg-2Hello friends! All I can say after this really hectic summer is, “Well, I’m back.” 🙂

No jewellery wallpaper yet. I have some new pieces “in the pot” or “cauldron” since it’s that time of year again. I have so many lovely stones to play with, such variety of shades and shapes. I can’t wait to show you how they turn out!

In the meantime, here is a poetry wallpaper for October featuring an original poem by yours truly. The image is one I found on the Internet while Googling “full moon.” It’s truly beautiful – inspiring and eerie all at once. If you can’t read the text of the poem, here it is…


give shape to my nothingness
with raw notes of longing
sculpt me with the sharp knives
of lonely, wild desolation
rip the pain out of your soul
make it a weapon against the void
allow me to whirl in your mind

crave as the sun craves its death
pulsing slowly to the infinite
black edge of that event horizon
sing your burning, keening notes
under the icy indifference of stars
lay your head in my vengeance
rage against the fabric of the world

write our story on moonlight
with the deep, oily ink of loss
tell me i am not gone
dance in the clamour of wraiths’
uncontrolled shrieking of absence
cower in the shadow of emptiness
hold me in that endlessly diminishing wail

~lara sookoo © 2008

wallpaper of the month

2009-june01I’ve done a couple of these for friends and they suggested I put them up here on my blog. There are 2 this month. This one is nice and bright and the jewellery piece is from my Afternoon Garden line. 🙂

Click here. If the image fits inside your screen, put your mouse over it and expand it. Then right-click and, depending on your browser, you can select “Set as background” or a similar choice. This will set up the image as your desktop wallpaper. Enjoy!!

Update: Hoom. My dearest Martin noted that the default size is too large for some monitors so here are a couple smaller sizes that will hopefully work:

2009-june01-cal2Jun 2/09: Here is the second wallpaper for June. I went with another piece from the Afternoon Garden series. This one is the original necklace. The colours are so warm and bright. They promise gentle breezes with hints of warm, sweet summer fruit and gardens filled with flowers. Mmm summer …